Category Archives: Health

Reflections: The Maia Campbell Video

Before anything is said. We want to extend our prayers and hope for a brighter future to Maia Campbell and her loved ones.

Maia CampbellViral Video of Maia Campbell

Like many of you, we have seen the distressing videos of Maia Campbell. In the first video, she is at a gas station in Atlanta (some reports say near Stone Mountain). She was barely dressed and looked disheveled. A tooth (or teeth) appeared to be missing, she was asking for drugs (crack) and discussing sensitive topics while pumping gas for a man. Continue reading Reflections: The Maia Campbell Video


Eating Olives for Health Benefits

eating olivesOlives – they are more than a decoration for a martini.  These meaty, low-calorie, nutrient-rich bites are healthy for you. Many people opt out of eating olives because they believe they are high in fat. The truth of the matter is olives do contain fats . . . but healthy unsaturated fats like avocados. Unsaturated fats are great at lessening your risk  of heart disease.  So munch on an olive or two. Continue reading Eating Olives for Health Benefits


Celery – A Powerhouse Food

celeryCelery always looks garden-fresh and the crunchiness of its stalks is fun to eat.  But celery is more than just green and crunchy. It is low calorie and chock-full of health benefits. Some even argue celery is a healthier option than an apple.
Continue reading Celery – A Powerhouse Food


Three Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar Disclaimer: This post is not a substitution for medical advise.  Please consult you medical provider for your medical needs.

Throughout history, people have made use of vinegar. Its uses have ranged from tackling household chores to cooking. Lately,  apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been receiving a lot of attention within the natural health community. People from all walks of life are professing the benefits of ACV. Some of the benefits of apple cider vinegar  include weight loss, improved diabetes symptoms, and protection against cancer. Continue reading Three Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar
