Category Archives: Health

Product Review: Vitafusion Women’s Daily Multivitamin Gummy


Please check with your physician or qualified health care professional before using.

For the past two months, I have been taking Vitafusion™ Women’s Daily Multivitamin Gummy. I decided to start taking a daily vitamin gummy after having a conversation with my childhood friend. After complaining to her about how sluggish and tired I felt, she recommended I take a daily supplement. Continue reading Product Review: Vitafusion Women’s Daily Multivitamin Gummy


Reflections: Make Time For Your Mental Health

mental health

“Nothing is worth your mental health.” – Unknown.

Working at home five days a week always was a dream of mine. I knew I wouldn’t miss the hectic commute, busy office, and time spent away from my family. When COVID-19 happened, I was grateful to have a job still and to be able to work from home. Finally, my dream came true! What I didn’t anticipate were the constant instant message pings, emails, and meetings. It took a toll on my mental health. The days started running together, and I began to feel burnt out. That’s when I knew I had to take a break. I had to completely step away from my job for a week to gain my sanity back. Continue reading Reflections: Make Time For Your Mental Health


My Experience with Pityriasis Rosea

pityriasis roseaAt the time of this post, I am in my seventh week of Pityriasis Rosea. Before being afflicted with this skin rash, I had never heard of it. No one among my family and friends had heard of it either. Since little is known about this skin condition, I decided to share my experience. I hope it will be helpful. Continue reading My Experience with Pityriasis Rosea


How To Protect Yourself From the Coronavirus

protect yourself from the coronavirus

The infection and death toll surrounding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) keeps climbing every day, unfortunately. After Brazil confirmed a positive case, the coronavirus has now reached every continent except Antarctica. It would be dishonest to say people are not scared. The global financial markets are spooked. They have been falling for the past several days, and masks are flying off the shelves. However, instead of being fearful, learn how to protect yourself from the coronavirus. Continue reading How To Protect Yourself From the Coronavirus
