Tag Archives: weight loss

Five Heart Healthy Exercises

According to American Heart Association (AHA), about 70% of Americans don’t exercise regularly, yet inactivity is the main contributing factor for developing heart diseases such as coronary artery disease (CAD). Your heart gets stronger and healthier when you lead an active life. It’s never too late to start exercising, and even a 20 minutes’ walk can make a big difference.

Here are five heart healthy exercises that can help you get in shape and lower the risk for diseases.
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Tip of the Month: Losing Weight for the Summer

Losing WeightIt’s time to start losing weight.

The spring is here and summer will soon be upon us. Summer 2015 will officially begin June 21, 2015.
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Holiday Aftermath

Holiday AftermathThe holidays can be a festive time. Usually the food and drinks are flowing. Conversations can be fulfilling and memories are being made. One unfortunate side affect of the holiday season can be weight gain. Eating hearty and dense traditional foods can pack on the pounds. If you are feeling down about gaining weight during the holiday aftermath, try some of these tips to lose a few pounds:

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