Tag Archives: employment

Employers, Here are Five Ways To Spot Low Employee Engagement

According to gallup.com, employee engagement in the United States has been stagnant in 2015.

Employee Engagement

Stagnant  employee engagement does not imply employees are lazy  or assume employers are not up to par. There seems to be a disconnect between some employers and employees. Continue reading Employers, Here are Five Ways To Spot Low Employee Engagement


Reflections: Your Boss Is Not Your Friend!

If you are fortunate to have a job today, then count your blessings.

A job represents stability. Billions of people around the world support themselves by going to a job every day.  Without a job, many would find it difficult to provide food for their family, a roof over their head, and health insurance if they became ill.
Continue reading Reflections: Your Boss Is Not Your Friend!


Poor Leadership in the Workplace

leadershipPoor leadership (i.e. management) can wreak havoc in a workplace. Below are examples of the damage poor leadership can cause:

Ways to Determine if the Leadership At Your Workplace is Poor

Continue reading Poor Leadership in the Workplace


Be Grateful For What You Have Today

The world sometimes can be a dark place. Don’t believe it. Turn on one of the 24 hour news channels and they will make you a believer.

Someone is always being murdered, maimed, or having an injustice caused to them. War is always on the brink and an epidemic imminent to hit.
Continue reading Be Grateful For What You Have Today
