Category Archives: Movie Trailer

Documentary Review: Who Killed Malcolm X?

Last weekend, I spent most of Saturday nestled under my blanket on the couch watching “Who Killed Malcolm X?” on Netflix. I must be honest. I have always admired Malcolm X. He made his mark on the world decades before I was born, but when I watch old black and white videos of him, I am captivated. I see a handsome, articulate black man with purpose and devotion to uplifting his people, and that is a precious sight to be seen, despite the fact, I am not a Muslim or Nation of Islam (NOI) member. Continue reading Documentary Review: Who Killed Malcolm X?


The Lion King (2019) Movie Trailer

The Lion King

Disney has embarked on a mission of directing more of their animated hits for live-action remakes. A few months after The Jungle Book was released, director Jon Favreau was tasked with remaking The Lion King (1994).

Keep reading for a synopsis on what you can expect in The Lion King (2019).
Continue reading The Lion King (2019) Movie Trailer


Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Movie Trailer

Jurassic World: Fallen KingdomThe summer is quickly approaching. We don’t know about you, but we are excited for the summer blockbusters! So far, one of the movies we are anxiously waiting to see is Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018).  What can we say? Say the world “Jurassic” and we start to get nostalgic about our childhood. Keep reading to get our reaction to the movie trailer.
Continue reading Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Movie Trailer


Stranger Things Season 2 is a Treat to Watch

stranger things season 2SLIGHT SPOILERS

On October 27th, Stranger Things Season 2 premiered on Netflix. I was unable to watch it until today (Halloween) but the wait was worth it. I took the day off from work, propped myself on the couch with plenty of candy and snacks nearby. Ready for a thrill ride in Hawkins, Indiana. Bring on the 80’s nostalgia! Continue reading Stranger Things Season 2 is a Treat to Watch
