Tag Archives: employee

Reflections: The Disgruntled Coworker

The 2007 Recession struck a chord with many people. Every day it was not uncommon to hear about mass layoffs and stories of the unemployed.

With that being said, it is not uncommon in 2014 to witness disgruntled coworkers in the workplace. You would think people would be happy to have a job, especially a job that paid decently. However, it is not enough for people who feel they are owed something.

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Ways to lose a valuable employee

valuable employeeSince the start of the Recession in 2007, the economy has favored the employer. Despite fears regarding the economy and jobs, valuable employees are still giving 100% to their jobs. People are happy to have employment. However, the level of appreciation isn’t the same. When the economy shifts back into the employees’ favor, employees may start looking for better jobs. High turnover will always hurt an organization. To avoid high turnover, employers need to be mindful of what causes employees to leave.
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