Category Archives: Reflections

Reflections: Be Grateful

be gratefulBe grateful for what you have today.  At times we may feel a desire for more possessions in life when we truly don’t need them. The need for a new car, new house, new phone, new clothes or shoes, etc. because we have “earned” it. In reality, we are just fine with what we have.  Let’s take a moment to appreciate what we do have – show gratitude. No matter what your situation is, your situation would be envied by someone else in the world. The small things: clean drinking water; warm water to bathe; a bed; shelter; loved ones; and an able body and mind. These are just few things we may have and don’t fully appreciate.
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Reflections: New Year’s Resolutions

new year's resolutions2016 is here!

We’ve made it.

It was just yesterday, the world was scared of Y2K when the year 2000 came ringing in.

The years pass quickly.  The Y2K scare was 16 years ago. Have you made progress in the last 16 years? If not, we don’t want another 16 years to pass us
by before we truly start living the life we have dreamed of.
Continue reading Reflections: New Year’s Resolutions


Reflections: Dare to Take the Road Not Taken

Go to a college/university…

Get a job…

Buy a car and house…

Have a family…

Work many years until you reach retirement…

Enjoy your retirement  years…

These are things society tells us to do. And for the most part, these things are good and creates stability. However, every now and then someone may question the mold and decide to break it – to take the road not taken. Continue reading Reflections: Dare to Take the Road Not Taken


Reflections: Don’t be a Debbie Downer

Debbie DownerWhat is a “Debbie Downer”?

A Debbie Downer (Donnie Downer is the male equivalent) is a person who is constantly depressive and gloomy. They tend to destroy positive circumstances with their negative vibes. Their negativity is known to be infectious and make others feel miserable.
Continue reading Reflections: Don’t be a Debbie Downer
