Tag Archives: federal minimum wage

Who are the Working Poor?

You may have heard the term “working poor” before, but who are they?

working poorThe working poor are people who work, but live below the poverty line. They are not making  financial progress, despite their willingness to work. On the surface they look like most working individuals: they have a home, possibly own a car, and wear descent attire; however, below the surface they are struggling to afford the basics (e.g., a home, food, clothes, etc.).

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The Federal Minimum Wage Debate

federal minimum wageThe federal minimum wage is a body of law that prohibits employers from hiring employees for less than the given hour or monthly minimum wage. The first federal minimum wage was signed into law by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1938.

The main purpose of the creation of the federal minimum wage was to keep the American workers out of poverty level and increase the consumer purchasing power that will in turn stimulate the economy of the country. The current federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. Continue reading The Federal Minimum Wage Debate
