Category Archives: Business

Trump Gives Federal Employees Christmas Eve Off!

Christmas Eve off

Christmas Eve Off:

Late Tuesday night, President Trump signed an executive order declaring that “all executive departments and agencies of the federal government shall be closed” on Christmas Eve.
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UPDATED: Will There Be A Partial Government Shutdown?

partial government shutdown


(01/25/2019):  ***This will be final update. The President has signed a congressional resolution ending the longest federal government shutdown in US history.  On 2/15, the government can possible shutdown again if the president does not receive funding for a wall on the southern border. The shutdown lasted for 35 days.

(01/17/2019):  President Trump has signed the “Government Employee Fair Treatment Act of 2019” which guarantees backpay for federal government employees.

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Five Ways To Create a Strong Password

strong password

Information is power! Each year, bad actors try to find new ways to access your valuable data. If you are using a weak password, then you are more susceptible to losing your personal data. Weak passwords are easy to hack even with little expertise. If you have an account, use a website or you are looking to create a strong password, here are some of the tips that can help you:
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Five Reasons to Avoid Payday Loans

payday loansFor years payday loans have been attractive to people who are in desperate need of funds. Most people initially believe accessing payday loans will help them out of a short term financial crisis, but in reality, payday loans are not short term and can cause significant financial distress.
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