Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Go Vote – Election Day 2016

election day Today is it – election day. It is the judgement day for American politics. Today is the last day for Americans to vote for the next President of the United States. We implore all eligible people to vote! Vote with your conscience. Vote for the person who will unite and not divide. Vote for the person who will better your individual condition and not worsen it. Vote for the person who represent your values. Vote for the person who you would feel safe with the nuclear codes. Go vote!
Continue reading Go Vote – Election Day 2016


Donald Trump’s Candid Views on Women Exposed

This post contains graphic content. Please be advised.

Trump's Candid Views

The Washington Post just released a three minute jaw-dropping 2005 video between Republican nominee Donald Trump and Billy Bush, a radio/television host and cousin to President George W. Bush. In the audio, it does not appear Trump or Bush knew their microphones were on while they made crass statements about groping women and using their “star status” to make sexual advancements. Continue reading Donald Trump’s Candid Views on Women Exposed


Violence at Donald Trump Rallies

Since Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President of the United States on June 16th, 2015, violence at his rallies has grown increasingly common.

One of the first incidents occurred on October 23rd, 2015, when a group of Latino protestors were allegedly assaulted as they were being led from the rally. Those protestors claim they were grabbed by the collar and thrown to the ground and repeatedly kicked.  Along with being hit on the back with a sign and kicked in the leg.

The violence continued on November 21, 2015, as a Black Lives Matter member was reportedly punched and kicked as racial slurs were yelled. Then again, in December 2015, at a Las Vegas rally, people can be heard on video yelling to “light the m**********r on fire!” Referring to the protestor.

Continue reading Violence at Donald Trump Rallies
