Category Archives: In the News

Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving TimeDid you remember to spring forward over the weekend?

Daylight Saving Time began on Sunday, March 8, 2015. Surely, as alarm clocks sounded off an hour earlier Monday morning people rush to hit the snooze button. Extra minutes in bed are simply priceless.
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How do you plan to spend your tax refund?

Tax ReturnToday, January 20, 2015, marks the first day the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will begin accepting and processing 2014 returns.

Filing taxes can be a stressful time of the year. Continue reading How do you plan to spend your tax refund?


Debt and the Holidays


DebtThat four letter word can carry a lot of weight.

The holidays can add to the burden of debt if you are not careful. The great deals and lowered prices will encourage millions, if not billions, of people to spend more money than they can actually afford.
Continue reading Debt and the Holidays


Why are Gas Prices Declining?

Fuel Station, gas, Did you just give a double-take at your local gas station’s prices? You are not alone. Over the past few weeks, the price of gas has declined to under $3.00/a gallon nationwide.

What is causing the sudden decline of gas prices?
Continue reading Why are Gas Prices Declining?
