Tag Archives: debt

The Haves and the Have Nots in 2018

The Haves and the Have NotsLike most people, I watched with excitement as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (also referred to as the Royals) introduced their latest newborn – a precious baby boy – to the world. To me, the moment represented a speck of innocence in the daily news instead of its usual abhorrent savagery. But as I pondered on the scene displayed on the computer screen, I could not help but to think of the current state of the world – the stark separation of “the haves” and “the have nots”.

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Debt and the Holidays


DebtThat four letter word can carry a lot of weight.

The holidays can add to the burden of debt if you are not careful. The great deals and lowered prices will encourage millions, if not billions, of people to spend more money than they can actually afford.
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Grocery Shopping

grocery shoppingSo you have decided to start a household budget. That is a very good way to track the flow of your money. The first category you can start with is grocery shopping. You need to eat, but you don’t have to overspend to eat well.

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