All posts by The Virgo Philosophy Team

Happy Halloween 2020!

Michael Myers with his creepy eyes, Jason, Freddy, Pennywise. As you look out your window, they all draw near, don’t be afraid — Halloween is here!

We wish you have a safe but scary Halloween this year!


Happy Halloween 2020!!!

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Huge Sale: Astrological Guide to the Universe — For Beginners

Astrological Guide to the Universe

Friends, we are very thank you for your support. To show our appreciation and to end Virgo season 2020 with a bang, we are happy to announce a sale for our book, Astrological Guide to the Universe — For Beginners (Kindle version). Continue reading Huge Sale: Astrological Guide to the Universe — For Beginners


Happy Fall Equinox 2020!

Fall Equinox 2020

It is that time of the year again! Today marks the Fall Equinox 2020. Our favorite season — Fall — is here in the northern hemisphere!

We love Fall! Some people say Fall, while other people say, Autumn. It doesn’t matter what you call it. Most people can agree on it being a great season. Continue reading Happy Fall Equinox 2020!


Register and Vote — Election Day 2020!

Election Day 2020

“Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting.” – Franklin Roosevelt

Election Day 2020 will soon be upon us in the United States. This year it is Tuesday, November 3, 2020. If you are not registered to vote, now is the time! This election is too important for you to procrastinate. We implore everyone to register and vote — the future of our government is in your hands.  Continue reading Register and Vote — Election Day 2020!
