Register and Vote — Election Day 2020!

Election Day 2020

“Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting.” – Franklin Roosevelt

Election Day 2020 will soon be upon us in the United States. This year it is Tuesday, November 3, 2020. If you are not registered to vote, now is the time! This election is too important for you to procrastinate. We implore everyone to register and vote — the future of our government is in your hands. 

More than Democrats vs. Republicans

It doesn’t matter if you are a registered Democrat, Republican, or something else — your vote matters.

Elections have consequences. So when you don’t vote, you give up your power as a citizen, and your voice is silenced. Do your research and pick the best candidates to help you, your family, and your community. It may differ from someone else, and that is okay. We have different perspectives and needs.

Due to the various deadlines for registering and requesting an absentee or mail-in ballot, please check with your State Board of Elections for deadlines and additional details.

Know Your Rights

It doesn’t matter if you choose to vote in person or via the mail. You should not be intimidated, harassed about your qualifications to vote, given false information about voting requirements, or deal with people impersonating poll workers or election officials. 

If anyone is trying to stop you from exercising your right to vote, please call the Election Protection Hotline at 1-866-687-8683.  Please go to for more information.

Are you ready for Election Day 2020? Let us know in the comments.

Stay tuned to Virgo Philosophy® for more content.

Video credit: CrashCourse | YouTube

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