Tag Archives: Tyrone Hankerson Jr.

SMH: Update on Howard University Scandal

Just when you thought the Howard University scandal was simmering down.

Tyrone Hankerson, Jr – the student at the epicenter of the scandal –  reportedly plans to sue Howard University for $10 million dollars after his financial records were leaked by a whistleblower last month.

His lawyer, James Walker, told WAMU that he has drafted a lawsuit, and he expects to file in D.C. Superior Court on April 6, 2018.

Howard University scandal

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Howard University Embezzlement Scandal

howard university

Check out our update to this story.

If you haven’t heard about Howard University’s embezzlement scandal, then you must have been hiding under a rock. Yesterday, social media (ahem…Twitter) and news outlets erupted with scandalous details involving the historically black university (HBCU).

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