Category Archives: Money

Why Saving for a Rainy Day Fund is Important?

rainy day fund Saving money – it is something we advocate strongly for at Virgo Philosophy. However, we know saving can be daunting.

According to, almost half of the United States’ consumers cannot handle a single financial emergency¹. The numbers may be more or less the same for other western countries. The lack of saving money have baffled finance professionals and researchers, but it basically comes down to people spending more money than they earn.
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Five Reasons to Avoid Payday Loans

payday loansFor years payday loans have been attractive to people who are in desperate need of funds. Most people initially believe accessing payday loans will help them out of a short term financial crisis, but in reality, payday loans are not short term and can cause significant financial distress.
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Have You Heard of the Square Cash App?

cash appHave you heard of the Cash App? We recently discovered this app and so far we must say we are impressed. In fact, we were so enthused, we had to post this article and share our discovery with all of you.
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The IRS Unveiled the New Postcard-Size Tax Form for 2019

postcard-size tax formThe 2018 tax season may have just wrapped up a few months ago, but the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is busily preparing for 2019.

For years, we have heard Republican politicians tout the idea of Americans filing their taxes on a postcard. To some, the notion was outright ludicrous. While others lauded the idea of streamlining filings.

Well folks — reality can be stranger than fiction. On June 29, 2018, the IRS unveiled an early draft of their new postcard-size tax form for 2019. Continue reading The IRS Unveiled the New Postcard-Size Tax Form for 2019
