Category Archives: Home

Why Saving for a Rainy Day Fund is Important?

rainy day fund Saving money – it is something we advocate strongly for at Virgo Philosophy. However, we know saving can be daunting.

According to, almost half of the United States’ consumers cannot handle a single financial emergency¹. The numbers may be more or less the same for other western countries. The lack of saving money have baffled finance professionals and researchers, but it basically comes down to people spending more money than they earn.
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Product Review: Ring Wifi Enabled Video Doorbell

wifi enabled video doorbellRing is unlike any doorbell you have seen. The company’s mission is to provide affordable security in your neighborhood. Their popular wifi enabled video doorbell is designed for you to see, hear and speak to anyone at your door from your phone, tablet or PC. The Ring doorbell has a lot of bells and whistles you are sure to love.

The modern design, built-in motion sensors, HD night-vision camera, mobile access, and cloud recording are just a few standouts that impressed us.
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The Haves and the Have Nots in 2018

The Haves and the Have NotsLike most people, I watched with excitement as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (also referred to as the Royals) introduced their latest newborn – a precious baby boy – to the world. To me, the moment represented a speck of innocence in the daily news instead of its usual abhorrent savagery. But as I pondered on the scene displayed on the computer screen, I could not help but to think of the current state of the world – the stark separation of “the haves” and “the have nots”.

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Five Huge Credit Card Mistakes to Avoid

credit card mistakesBefore you rush out and get a credit card, there are some things that you will need to know. Owning a credit card comes with a lot of responsibility. Also, there are some things that you should avoid doing with your credit card. Today, we are going to look at five credit card mistakes to avoid. Continue reading Five Huge Credit Card Mistakes to Avoid
