Tip of the Month: Losing Weight for the Summer

It’s time to start losing weight.

The spring is here and summer will soon be upon us. Summer 2015 will officially begin June 21, 2015.

Most people bundled up during this past winter. For many it was the winter that would not go away. Most likely, pounds were packed on due to eating heavier foods and staying put inside instead of venturing outside in the frigid cold.

Let’s start shedding a few pounds now. The options are endless for getting more active and having fun.


Anything fun that will get you off the couch and moving will do! Be creative and you will start losing weight. After all, you want to look nice in your clothes and don’t want any muffin tops.

After you start burning calories, you can then re-examine your meals. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Opt for fish instead of heavier meats like beef and steak. And above all, drink more water instead of soda, lemonade, and sugary juices.

Before changing your exercise routine or diet always check with your doctor to make sure it is okay.


Photo credit: franky242 | FreeDigitalPhotos.net