Product Review: Vitafusion Women’s Daily Multivitamin Gummy

Please check with your physician or qualified health care professional before using.

For the past two months, I have been taking Vitafusion™ Women’s Daily Multivitamin Gummy. I decided to start taking a daily vitamin gummy after having a conversation with my childhood friend. After complaining to her about how sluggish and tired I felt, she recommended I take a daily supplement.

I appreciate her suggestion since I have considered taking a multivitamin for years. I just never got around to it. Now I am in my 30s, and I need to make sure I am getting all of my vitamins. I want to be the healthiest version of myself.

Initial Impressions of the Multivitamin

In the past, multivitamins were nasty little pills filled with God-knows-what. I am relieved that has changed, and now you can get your vitamins in a tasty and easy-to-chew gummy. This version tastes like berries (e.g., strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, etc.), which I love.

I also like that I am getting a lot of vitamins in a small treat every morning. Some of the vitamins packed into my tiny gummy multivitamin are Vitamin A, C, D, E, Niacin, and Vitamin B-6. Please view the image below for a full list of the supplement facts. Please note, these gummies also omit high-fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, gluten, dairy, and synthetic (FD&C) dyes.

Supplement Facts based on my personal bottle

I haven’t found a con yet. The only issue I have is the price. I paid $15.59 at my local grocery store.  To be fair, most supplements are expensive, but the $15.59 will put a dent in your grocery budget if you are on a tight budget. Amazon has a two-pack for $29.99, which is a good deal. I plan to purchase when my bottle runs out.

Final Thoughts

So far, I have had a good experience with Vitafusion™ Women’s Daily Multivitamin Gummy. I don’t feel as sluggish or tired anymore. Perhaps, I was deficient, and my body was lacking more vitamins than I thought. I will keep taking the gummies as part of my daily regimen. I have recommended them to my family, and I think they could work well for you too.

Have you used the Vitafusion™ Women’s Daily Multivitamin Gummy? Let us know your experience in the comments.

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