Grocery Shopping

So you have decided to start a household budget. That is a very good way to track the flow of your money. The first category you can start with is grocery shopping. You need to eat, but you don’t have to overspend to eat well.

Below are a few tips on how to save on your grocery bill:

*Helpful hints* If you tend to buy the same items, keep the receipts. When you are planning a grocery list put the amount of the item next to it. This will help you estimate your grocery bill and you won’t be surprised at checkout. It will also allow you to track increases or decreases of prices.

Don’t buy too much processed food – Try to buy foods that you have to prepare yourself. When foods are already prepared (cooked, sliced, etc.), you will pay a price for it and the packaging. For example, buy a whole pineapple instead of buying pineapple already diced in a plastic container. You will get more pineapple and it will be fresher. All you need to do it cut it yourself, which only takes about five minutes. Don’t know how to cut pineapple. Check out Youtube!

These were just a few tips to utilize to save money on groceries.  Do you have a tip to share?  Put it in the comments section below.

Photo Credit : Ambro |