Consider Giving Back to Virgo Philosophy!

2017 is coming to an end. Christmas is just ten days away and soon the new year will be here.

This was a great year for Virgo Philosophy! And we sincerely hope it was equally as great for all of our visitors and subscribers.

This year we worked on improving our content’s quality, utilized more Youtube videos on our pages, and served more people from around the world. But for 2018, more must be done.

Consider Giving Back

We do not like to ask for financial support, but as you may know, we insist on our website to remain free. While other websites may charge membership fees, we’ve added ads as a trade off to pay for administrative costs. Reaching our audience is important to us, but  with the threat of net-neutrality being repealed in the United States and the unsuspecting costs of managing a website, we humbly ask for everyone to consider giving a small financial contribution to us, if you can.

This is not a requirement, but if you would like to give financial support and give back to Virgo Philosophy, please do so here.

Thanks in advance,

The Virgo Philosophy Team

Video credit: NatureisBeautiful2017 | Youtube