Category Archives: Uncategorized

Why are Gas Prices Declining?

Fuel Station, gas, Did you just give a double-take at your local gas station’s prices? You are not alone. Over the past few weeks, the price of gas has declined to under $3.00/a gallon nationwide.

What is causing the sudden decline of gas prices?
Continue reading Why are Gas Prices Declining?


Reflections: Your Boss Is Not Your Friend!

If you are fortunate to have a job today, then count your blessings.

A job represents stability. Billions of people around the world support themselves by going to a job every day.  Without a job, many would find it difficult to provide food for their family, a roof over their head, and health insurance if they became ill.
Continue reading Reflections: Your Boss Is Not Your Friend!


Countdown to Christmas!

The countdown until Christmas 2014 has started!

We have place the countdown clock on the left-hand side

of the homepage of our website.

Countdown with us.

Continue reading Countdown to Christmas!


Poor Leadership in the Workplace

leadershipPoor leadership (i.e. management) can wreak havoc in a workplace. Below are examples of the damage poor leadership can cause:

Ways to Determine if the Leadership At Your Workplace is Poor

Continue reading Poor Leadership in the Workplace
